Sunday, August 24, 2008

update on Dr visits

I went to a cardiologist the day after I got back from GOG and he told me my mitral regurge and thickened valve (first time I heard that) were normal for my age. I didn't argue, but I think next visit I'm going to ask is it normal for someone who never had it before? I went through a stress test on Friday and then wore a 24 hour heart monitor. He said he it was possibly my thyroid so he ordered a Thyroid panel. I got a letter from him yesterday. Guess what it's NOT my thyroid. Damn. That would have been easier to treat. He was thinking hyperthyroid, BTW.

The stress test was different. They put an IV in me. The tech forgot to tell me the jacket laying there was for me to wear over the transparent hospital gown. I walked around for a while braless in a see through gown before I realized all the women had on the damn jacket. I thought about it and it only bothered me when a man leaned in for closer look and I wanted to swat him. The test itself was no fun. I warned the tech I would have and asthma attack on the tread mill. Guess what, I did. I'm glad I had my inhaler to resue me. They told me the EKG looked fine, but I saw it and the couple of abnormal heart beats didn't look "fine" to me. Though if they had been really bad I would have been taken to my Cardiologist ASAP.

At the end of the treadmill part they inject you with a tracer and send you to the next part. They put you in a scanner and you have to lay still for about 25 minutes. This is not easy for me. Stop laughing. I actually dozed off during the procedure. They told me my scanned showed no blockages. That was good.

I met this woman who is younger than me who has the rare condition of having all her organs in the reverse position. That causes all sorts of health problems. She was very sweet. I don't think people respond well when she mentions it because she seemed pleased that it fascinated me. She was cool.

After that they fitted me with a 24 hr holter monitor. It's a EKG that monitors my daily heart rate. It was annoying to wear. Only a sponge bath and don't get it wet. The girl who hooked me up to it went so fast I wanted to reach over and tell her "you can do this and still be friendly." They are busy, but too much speed makes a person feel like a number. I turn the monitor in tomorrow. I go back in two weeks for the results. Until then I have to take a calcium blocker that should slow my heart rate. I started that last night after I took the monitor off.


Samantha Alice said...

Y'know, there's some controversy about what really is a good range for thyroids... and we're all different. An awesome BP # for Don, who's had HBP since he was 25, had me in a panic at the OB's office b/c a bottom # of 80 was unheard of.

I'm sorry that they treated you like a number. It would have been good if you'd spoken up. You're smart and savvy and can figure things out for yourself, but what about all the people who are scared and confused and don't understand about all that equipment? There are so many people in health care who should be working with machinery instead...

But the transparent gown story... tee hee heeeeee hee heeeee... I don't know how he kept himself from leaning in and doing the motorboat!!! I'm always tempted to, when I see your cleavage!!!

thehipster said...

The letter didn't tell me my numbers just that my results were fine. I'll ask about when I go back for my other results.

Actually, I did speak up to begin with, but got tired of doing it. I scared some poor girl when I told her to "Slow Down!" She was talking so fast I couldn't even answer her questions. When I told her why she conceded she needed to ease up.
The motorboat you can get away with, maybe. But some man old enough to be my father would get smacked. :)

Samantha Alice said...

I could get away with the motorboat, maybe?!?

Damn. WHEN is the next GOG???