Saturday, July 22, 2006

NO, I didn't disappear. I'm here somewhere, I think.

I stole this from biscuit, but since I hadn't posted in a while it seemed like a good way to jump back in. I found it funny because in my new job everyone thinks I'm the straight laced conservative one. I'm enjoying shocking the hell out of them. They think I don't cuss or think about sex at all. One day an associate told me to cover my ears before she read a text message. I didn't hear her say it and busted out laughing when she read the message. She and the others were suprised. It is an interested experience.

Results of Your Sex Personality Test

Your score = 83

What does your score mean?
The results of the test suggest that you are very open-minded when it comes to sexuality. You seem to welcome new experiences within the realm of sex and even if you aren't comfortable with a particular ingredient of sex, you are very nonjudgmental of those who indulge themselves. You are not threatened by the diverse sexual tastes that make this world go round. In fact, you seem to be willing to tolerate sexual behavior that colors outside of the lines of 'normalcy,' as long as both partners are into it. Keep up the healthy attitude!