Monday, April 17, 2006

Busy weekend

Well the others have posted about it already, but I live here so of course I'm late. We had such a good time seeing each other last week. The weekend turned out to be exhausting but I survived it. Saturday alone my family had a soccer game to attend, then we went to picnic with my friends and their families on the mountain. Later that day we got together with my extended family and had a portrait made. I did all this on five hours sleep which for me isn't much. To say the least, I crashed early.

We had such great time at the picnic until my poor son started feeling bad. I think he was just worn out after his soccer game. We had fun though. My daughter didn't want to leave. She was having way to much fun. Thanks to Kelly's oldest daughter Emily for running around the playground with noodle she just loved it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

this and that

I haven't "weighed in" in a while. Okay, bad humor but who cares. I just realized I haven't been negligent in my writing. I'm not surprised though I've felt more like playing video games during my free time than writing. I did want to say I'm still working out and boy do I feel it now. My muscles are sore.

My son has begun spring soccer so we have gotten into the full swing of that too. He is so excited to be playing again. My three-year-old daughter and one of the player's on the team have the same name so when they called the girl to throw in the ball my noodle went running to play the game. She was not thrilled when I told her they weren't calling her, but the other girl. She did find the mud though.

Speaking of my son he had a mishap at school yesterday. Two girls were running and they collided. When that happened one of them also ran into him and left teeth marks in his forehead. My understanding was that the girls were bleeding pretty good. They all went to the clinic. The school called me to tell me about the accident, but didn't see a need for him to go home. Then they called me back so I picked him and took him to the Dr. Apparently, we narrowly avoided an orbital "blowout" fracture. He will be fine, but may develop a black eye.