Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I love Christmas!

Xmas Stocking
leave a gift for thehipster
your username:
your gift: (30 characters or less)

get your stocking
dating website

Sunday, December 03, 2006

tagged, you're it.

I have been tagged by siren. The rules say to post 6 weird things about myself and then tag 6 people at the end. I'm not going to tag anyone because everyone I know has already been tagged. However, if you read this post and haven't done it yet consider yourself tagged. Heheheh. Gotcha!

1. I will eat cheesecake while drinking beer. It's not as strange as it sounds. Try it.

2. I have a cell phone, but no one ever calls it so I'm always surprised when it does ring. My co-workers don't understand why it doesn't bother me to leave it at home or in my car. The only time anyone ever calls is when I do leave it.

3. I don't like large crowds.

4. I love Disney World. Crowds and all. (Think about it.)

5. I can't stand masks on my face.

6. I've only had one cavity in my life. I didn't get it until a couple of years ago. I'm also missing four teeth. I never had them in the first place. Guess why I wore braces in high school.

had to share-I stole it from Siren

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

update on bus wreck

I was just going to edit my previous post, but I decided instead to write more in a new post.

Yesterday a fourth Student passed away. Her family was told shortly after noon. I was at work and was there when they were told the horrible news.

The first day I was so busy running around taking care of our work I didn't have time to stop and think. I heard the tears and screams of the families that day and but I was still in shock. It wasn't until yesterday as I heard a Mother crying she no longer had her baby that it I began to lose it. However we still had people to care for and they came first.

My co-worker and one of the hospital staff went into high gear helping keep this poor mother concious and I just made sure our people were okay. Another one of our staff is a part time minister and was able to be there for her and the family as well. He himself had a family member on the school bus. Fortunately, his relative only had minor injuries.

There are still many students still in the hospital and the bus driver is still in critical condition with severe back injuries.

Hug your children and other loved ones close. Always remember how special they are to you.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Please pray

I wanted to ask anyone who reads this to say prayers and keep in your thoughts the family, friends and Medical personal, fire dept., and police officers who worked one of the worst accidents our city has ever seen today. Today they experienced the worst nightmare of all accidents, a School Bus traveling on our local interstate rolled off of the overpass and crashed to the ground below. There where 42 students and the driver on the bus. All of the students attend a local High School. There were three fatalities and many critical injuries. Their families and friends are devastated, but the people taking care of them are also feeling the pain. Please everyone hold them fast in your hearts because they need it right now. I should also add the community has come together today and is offering support in many different ways.

Here is a link to one of many articles about the wreck.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

not surprising

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others' points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

a few quizes here.

Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical

You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!

You Are 60% Weird

You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks!

You Should Drive a Ford Explorer SportTrac

Tough and supercharged, you have some rather extreme driving practices.
You've been known to intimidate a few drivers. You rule the road.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Well, as many of you know I returned to the full time work world a few months ago. I actually enjoy the work I do and the public I work with, however, the work enviroment has become increasingly worse. My bosses appear to be trying to fix it so I'm hanging in there but I don't know for how much longer.

I recently became the target of some coworkers who are systematically trying to get some of us to quit. Through tears I fought back. I don't think they were expecting me to stand my ground. Believe me I have wanted to run for the door several times over the last couple of weeks and I still may. I might as well tell you I'm in the minorty at my place of employment and those in the majority are working to keep it that way. They want people like me gone, and no I'm not imagining this. I think my bosses think I am though.

I'm sinking deeper into a depressive state and fighting everyday to reach the surface for some air. Sometimes it comes, sometimes I'm still swimming with everything I've got. I just want to go to work and enjoy what I'm doing, but when all you want to do is cry and crawl into a corner somewhere it's not working.

Sometimes people in other departments will say hi to me in the mornings with the standard greeting of "How are you?" I always answer "fine," but inside I feel like I'm lying and that they can see it on my face. I'm not hiding it well anymore. My boss wanted to talk to me about something else entirely and I broke down in tears. We talked about things and tried to find some resolutions, but I wish she had never seen that side of me. I've worked hard to control my emotions (unfortunately, when your ADHD emotional control can be difficult) and lately I've lost a lot of what I spent a lifetime working on. Right now the tears have been flowing, but if they keep pushing me my temper will surface and good sense may not stop me from letting someone have it.

To put it more concisely "I'm being pushed to the limit and I don't know how far I can go before I collapse."

Saturday, July 22, 2006

NO, I didn't disappear. I'm here somewhere, I think.

I stole this from biscuit, but since I hadn't posted in a while it seemed like a good way to jump back in. I found it funny because in my new job everyone thinks I'm the straight laced conservative one. I'm enjoying shocking the hell out of them. They think I don't cuss or think about sex at all. One day an associate told me to cover my ears before she read a text message. I didn't hear her say it and busted out laughing when she read the message. She and the others were suprised. It is an interested experience.

Results of Your Sex Personality Test

Your score = 83

What does your score mean?
The results of the test suggest that you are very open-minded when it comes to sexuality. You seem to welcome new experiences within the realm of sex and even if you aren't comfortable with a particular ingredient of sex, you are very nonjudgmental of those who indulge themselves. You are not threatened by the diverse sexual tastes that make this world go round. In fact, you seem to be willing to tolerate sexual behavior that colors outside of the lines of 'normalcy,' as long as both partners are into it. Keep up the healthy attitude!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

busy, busy, busy

Well I haven't posted for a good reason. I HAVE A JOB! I haven't been home to post. I got the job I interviewed for and have been training this week. I won't be able to look online while I'm at work so I don't know how much I'll be around.

My kids started day care this week and we made the mistake of signing them up for somewhere that could take both of them. That was stupid because my initial instincts were screaming NO! to this place. I didn't see anything terrible I just knew. My husband went there in the middle of the day Mon. and Tues. and noticed the kids were outside all day. (my kids sunburn easily and the daycares are not allowed to apply sunscreen) They went in for short breaks, but that was it. On Tuesday when they put my daughter down for a nap she started crying so the teacher put her in the hall so she wouldn't wake the other children. (The teacher actually told me she did this) We asked my son about it and he told us he saw her sleeping in the hallway with no adults around. They are not going back.

This morning I got up and called the daycare I wanted her to go to and they took her right in. I walked in there and just knew it was the right place. She had a blast. They even put her hair in pigtails. When I came home I didn't recognize her. I actually looked at her and wondered who this little girl was who was in my house. Then I realized it was my noodle. It was funny.

My son spent the day with a friend who has agreed to watch him for the rest of the week. I have to hit up my parents for next week and then he will spend the summer at our school's summer program.

This has been a busy week to say the least.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's day

Well my Mother's day was a quiet one. The kids couldn't wait to give me my gifts. They were so cute. They were so excited they forgot the flowers. I had to remind my daughter to go get them. On Saturday night I said something to my husband about Mother's day and he stood there stunned. He had forgotten it was on Sunday. Nevermind the fact only a few days before I had to remind him to buy a card for his mother. Yes, he did mail it. So as soon as my son got out of his bath and dressed they took off for the store. I told him something small was fine. Nothing fancy. My son picked out a reece's cups big pack (they were gone by the end of the day) and a cute stuffed doggy toy. He also picked out a dozen roses. Then we went to dinner that night. We had Chinese at our favorite restaurant. I've never been wished Happy Mother's day so many times. Everyone who worked there kept saying it to me, and you could tell they meant it. Probably because at the time I was the only Mom in there with her kids. It was fun though.

BTW I went and filled out more paperwork for the job I'm trying to get and ordered my uniforms. As long as I pass my drug test with no problems I start soon. I'm on the hunt for daycare. That is not as easy as it seems. I need summer care for my son too.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Time to say something

I know I don't talk about politics on my blog, but today I am. I'm coming out. I am a member of They are working to save internet neutrality. Essentially we are trying to stop the government from allowing private companies too much control over the internet. Is some on these companies get their way when we begin looking for web sites we will only find the companies that have paid to be found. I don't like that one bit. I already pay to view the internet via my subscription I want what's on the other end to stay accessible to everyone.

I wanted to use the one the one that has this qoute: "The internet can't be free." AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre but it wouldn't show up. ATT is one of the main companies behind the push to take control of the internet. Google and other search engines are actively fighting to stop them.

Save the Internet: Click here

Here is a link to learn more.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

next step

Well I go back in for "phase 1" of the hiring process today. I have no idea what that means. The other day when I was interviewed she said I would be called back for a second interview if I passed the test they gave me. They want driving record info today so I guess they are going to make sure I can drive to destination's for work. I think it's time to find out how much this position pays, and if I should start looking for day care for my kids. That would be good to know. She did tell me they were going to hire more than they needed to fill the positions. That kind of thing always makes me nervous. However if I can get in there, and stay with it, I can get the training I need for a Lab job somewhere.

Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm going to hide now!

I have been sick the past two days and I can't believe I'm still awake, but I am. Tomorrow is my 39th birthday and I'm a little freaked out. Can you say AUuuuugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never reacted to a birthday before but this one is getting to me. It may have something to do with me having a job interview tomorrow. This is for a job unlike what I have done before, but I have a good feeling so cross your fingers for me. A prayer wouldn't hurt either. I'm going to have to go back to work full time if we have any hope of ever buying a bigger house. Lately, we've been pretty broke which is another good reason for it, but the biggest reason is that I've been going a bit stir crazy and I think going back to work would be good for me. Oh yeah, I'm getting thinner and I'm starting to really notice the difference my weightloss efforts are making. Building muscle doesn't hurt either.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

my life rated

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 6
Mind: 4.6
Body: 5.7
Spirit: 5.6
Friends/Family: 5.8
Love: 9.1
Finance: 5.4
Take the Rate My Life Quiz
I stole this from biscuit. My life looks pretty average, but I have lots of love in it. Since I see that as the most important thing I like that alot.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Silent Saturday

We had a interesting weekend and mostly lots of fun. We started it with Silent Saturday at my son's soccer game. Silent Saturday is when parents and coaches are asked to not yell during the game. Some of the parents were not happy about this even though we were allowed to clap. One team made signs to hold up. The lady incharge apparently got a lot of nasty emails on the subject and even argued with a grandparent on the previous Saturday.

She's a tough one though she doesn't take anything from anybody. I was the only person I knew that didn't have a problem with it. I figured the point was to shut up the people who get really nasty and yell stuff at their kids. ( and yes that was reason) They did tell us that morning we could say "good job" and other encouragment though. I got a little peaved with our coach's wife because she didn't want to give it a chance and when we were all called together before the game so the soccer president could explain the day she refused to join us.

After the game we were walking by them on the way back to our car, and she asked her daughter if she liked playing better that day. She told her mother she did. That it was nice to play without being yelled at, and my son agreed it was easier not to hear all the yelling. The kids all played better and had more fun that day because we sideline people shut up. Surprise, surprise.

Later that day my son had a roller skating birthday party to attend and I had to take my three year old too. I was concerned because I didn't know what she would do there since she doesn't skate. I'm glad I took our toddler skates along because she put them on, and got out on the floor, and skated with the big kids. She had a blast. My son on the other hand stayed on the carpet, but he still had a great time.

That night we went out to eat and I ordered a steak (at a steak restaurant) and it came out with one side burned. I tasted it and noticed it didn't taste right but I attributed that to its being burned. Since it was so bad I sent it back. I don't normally do that because in my younger days I worked in a restaurant and I know that doesn't go over well. It took so long my husband shared his steak with me and I asked them to box the new one to go. They were very nice about and even gave me a baked potato to go with it. Unfortunately, that piece of meat is still in my fridge because later that night I got sick from food poisoning. I realized the steak tasting funny wasn't from it being burned. I'm glad I only took two bites.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Busy weekend

Well the others have posted about it already, but I live here so of course I'm late. We had such a good time seeing each other last week. The weekend turned out to be exhausting but I survived it. Saturday alone my family had a soccer game to attend, then we went to picnic with my friends and their families on the mountain. Later that day we got together with my extended family and had a portrait made. I did all this on five hours sleep which for me isn't much. To say the least, I crashed early.

We had such great time at the picnic until my poor son started feeling bad. I think he was just worn out after his soccer game. We had fun though. My daughter didn't want to leave. She was having way to much fun. Thanks to Kelly's oldest daughter Emily for running around the playground with noodle she just loved it.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

this and that

I haven't "weighed in" in a while. Okay, bad humor but who cares. I just realized I haven't been negligent in my writing. I'm not surprised though I've felt more like playing video games during my free time than writing. I did want to say I'm still working out and boy do I feel it now. My muscles are sore.

My son has begun spring soccer so we have gotten into the full swing of that too. He is so excited to be playing again. My three-year-old daughter and one of the player's on the team have the same name so when they called the girl to throw in the ball my noodle went running to play the game. She was not thrilled when I told her they weren't calling her, but the other girl. She did find the mud though.

Speaking of my son he had a mishap at school yesterday. Two girls were running and they collided. When that happened one of them also ran into him and left teeth marks in his forehead. My understanding was that the girls were bleeding pretty good. They all went to the clinic. The school called me to tell me about the accident, but didn't see a need for him to go home. Then they called me back so I picked him and took him to the Dr. Apparently, we narrowly avoided an orbital "blowout" fracture. He will be fine, but may develop a black eye.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

weight loss

I've been working out all week which is surprising since it has been spring break. To begin with I gained weight but now it's dropping off. Yeah! Three pounds so far.

Today my shoulders are sore because of lifting weights. I've been walking the area around the pond by the gym but it got to cold for that so I've also been on the tread mill. The trainer and I are going to rework my program to help lose the weight better. She thinks we can speed things up a bit. This for health purposes since I have sleep apnea. After that subsides I'll slow it back to a normal one to two pounds a week.

I've been tagged

I tried to do this twice but something happened both times to keep me from finishing. I'm trying again.

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Cashier for Hardee's
2. waitress at Godfather's Pizza.
3. Concession stand employee at local movie theater
4. Box office employee at local movie theater

Four Movies you would watch over and over: (in noparticular order)

1. Star Wars (all of them)
2. Star Trek (most of them)
3. You've Got Mail
4. While You Were Sleeping

Four Places you have lived:

1. Eufaula, AL
2. Florence, AL
3. Huntsville, AL
4. Madison, AL

Four TV shows you love to watch:

1. CSI
2. Law and Order
3. Criminal Minds
4. Cold Case

Four Places You want to visit before you die:

1. Crete
2. Yosemite
3. Grand Canyon (again)
4. Cedar point park

Four places you have been on vacation:

1.Panama City Beach
2. Orlando
3. Washington D.C.
4. Indian Rock Beach

Four websites I visit daily:

3. I village

Four of my favorite foods:

1. Cheesecake
2. bananas
3. Peanut butter
4. milk

Four places I would rather be right now: (notnecessarily any particular order)

1. the beach
2. taking a warm bath
3. on a roller coaster
4. With my hubby in bed. ;)

everyone I know has been tagged so if you read this and want to do it, go for it.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Kind of neat.

Your Linguistic Profile:

60% General American English

20% Dixie

20% Yankee

0% Midwestern

0% Upper Midwestern

I stole this from Memphis Steve who stole it from someone else. I like it because I think it shows what I hear alot: "Where are from? You arent from here." People are usually surprised to find out that I'm a true Southerner and have lived here all my life.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I swiped this from Lola

You Are a Fierce Femme

You have a wild side, and you aren't afraid to bring it out when the time is right.
But you also know when to hang back and keep your "crazy chick" persona in check.
In fact, some of your friends may be surprised to find out how far you can take it...
You may look mild mannered, but it's all an act!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Go ahead and laugh because I'm clutzy.

Well, I have a story to tell about being a clutz, and why it's unwise to leave stuff on the floor in my path. Yesterday I started cleaning out my kitchen cabinets to make room for all the stuff I have crammed in them. Last night I got into the cabinet with my plastic storage containers and spread them all over the floor. Then I neatly stacked them up and decided I would finish with them today. Big mistake.

I got up this morning and fixed breakfast for the kids and got stuff ready to go. I walked all around this stuff and never once ran into anything. Then I decided to have a bowl of cereal. Bowl in hand I turned to walk to the table and stepped on a plastic lid. Now remember I have tile floors now. I went "ice skating" across the floor on my left foot and couldn't stop. I got my first flying lesson with my right leg high in the air, and then dropped the bowl. Of course it broke. I landed square in the middle of the kitchen floor yelling DAMN! on the way down. My son asked me if I had broken my leg and I assured him I hadn't. Just my ego. Though I wasn't entirely sure something wasn't hurt. My husband came in and admonished me for cussing in front of the kids and then left. I "thanked" him for asking if I was okay. To which he informed me that since I was just sitting there he figured I wasn't hurt. He then helped me clean up.

I started making jokes about ice skating in the kitchen and that had not been my plans for this morning. I'd rather be making jokes now than telling people well I'm on crutches because......

Monday, March 13, 2006

Okay, I know I've said this before...

I'm starting a new diet today. I have been so frustrated with my inability to lose weight mainly because I lose momentum quickly. Yesterday I got a kick in the butt that made me rethink my reasoning. I was standing in line to place some things in a kids consigment sale and saw my reflection in a wall of windows. It was a side view and it made realize how big I really am. There were other people of varying sizes and I was the biggest one. OUCH! The windows didn't distort either so it was kind of scarey.

Now I know your saying to yourselves "She sees herself in the mirror everyday why would this suddenly change things now?" I do, but I make a point of looking at myself from the front not the side. Not as frightening size wise. It was enlightening to see myself from a distance and sideways.

I'm starting out at 210 so I'm going to post how I do on here. Just once a week though.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

okay, I got a little happy with these.

Your Love Life Secrets Are

Looking back on your life, you will have a few true loves.

You're a little scarred from your past relationships, but who isn't?

It's important to you that your lover is very attractive. You like to have someone to show off.

In fights, you speak your mind and don't hold back. You know you're right, and you can get quite angry about it.

Getting over a break-up doesn't take long. Easy come, easy go.

Who Should Paint You: Andy Warhol

You've got an interested edge that would be reflected in any portrait
You don't need any fancy paint techniques to stand out from the crowd!

Your Animal Personality

Your Power Animal: Eagle

Animal You Were in a Past Life: Whale

You are active, a challenger, and optimistic.
Hard-working, you are always working towards a set goal.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

dreaming soul

You Are a Dreaming Soul

Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Okay, I stole this from Memphis Steve who stole it from Binsk (whom I don't know) but I thought it was interesting so I tried it. Here are the results:

Ashley Judd, Mira Sorvino, and Helen Hunt are all gorgeous so I liked those.

Gary Sinise: The scarey part was I saw the strongest resemblence here.

Neil Gaiman: I have no clue who he is.

Yael Bar Zohar and Alizee: Again no clue, but they are pretty.

Emma Watson and Judy Garland: Pretty strong resemblance

Victoria Principal: She's beautiful too, but I didn't see the connection.

Monday, February 27, 2006

I have my kitchen back

As of eight o'clock last night my kitchen became usable. Yippee! I have no words to describe how happy I am. The tile looks great. The kitchen feels smaller though because all the furniture is back in there, but at least the living room is back to normal. I still have alot of work to do on the kitchen such as painting, but that is my stuff so at least my husband won't have to listen to me wishing he were done.

I did make one discovery that I was trying to prevent. I washed all the dishes and put them away before we vacated the kitchen and planned to use paper plates and plastic cups. This worked well for me and the kids, but by husband kept going into the kitchen and using the regular ones. He wouldn't wash them though he would just pile them in the sink. The other day he put some in the dishwasher but not the silverware. This morning I went to empty out the rest of the sink and found a disgusting mess underneath. I was not happy. I had tried to prevent this from happening. What really surprised me though was that the kitchen didn't smell bad from it. Well it's cleaned up now and I have to put the pantry back together next.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

At home with a "sick" child

Okay, it's time to actually write something instead of posting quizzes. I was supposed to go talk to my son's class today about photography, but I had to postpone it because he got sick at school yesterday and can't go back until tomorrow. He feel's fine today though. Go figure. I needed to go to Walmart today so I took him with me; instead of buying him a hotwheel I told him if he wanted something I would get him a book. This seemed like a good idea at the time. He loves to read.

When we got to the books I found a cheap copy of the Chronicles of Narnia and got it for him then he was supposed to pick out something else. He wanted a coloring book, but he never colors so I told him to pick out a regular book. This turned into a battle of wills finally I told him that he had to pick something because I was leaving and started walking away. He grabbed a book but wasn't happy about it. After we got to the checkout line I saw a Disney Adventure magazine. I gave him a choice between that and the book he grabbed since he said he didn't want it. Instead of making him happy it only made things worse he threw a fit. We finally checked out, and he calmed down, then he got upset again when I asked him to help load the car. When we got home he did help unload and calmly went to his room. He also took the book and is in there happily reading it. Can you say Mom is ready to scream. I had hoped we would have some fun together today we'll see.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

personality test

Okay, I had to try it and like biscuit I found it to be surprisingly accurate to the way I view myself. In other ways I found it revealing to me also. Take a look.

My Personal Dna Report

Monday, February 13, 2006

Okay, I stole this from the Siren here's my Johari Window. Feel free to add to it.


(known to self and others)

sympathetic, trustworthy

Blind Spot

(known only to others)

adaptable, calm, caring, cheerful, clever, confident, dependable, happy, helpful, kind, knowledgable, loving, modest, patient, sensible, shy, warm


(known only to self)

friendly, independent, intelligent, self-conscious


(known to nobody)

able, accepting, bold, brave, complex, dignified, energetic, extroverted, giving, idealistic, ingenious, introverted, logical, mature, nervous, observant, organised, powerful, proud, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-assertive, sentimental, silly, spontaneous, tense, wise, witty

Dominant Traits

60% of people think that thehipster01 is caring
60% of people agree that thehipster01 is trustworthy

All Percentages

able (0%) accepting (0%) adaptable (20%) bold (0%) brave (0%) calm (20%) caring (60%) cheerful (40%) clever (20%) complex (0%) confident (20%) dependable (40%) dignified (0%) energetic (0%) extroverted (0%) friendly (0%) giving (0%) happy (20%) helpful (20%) idealistic (0%) independent (0%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (0%) introverted (0%) kind (20%) knowledgable (40%) logical (0%) loving (20%) mature (0%) modest (40%) nervous (0%) observant (0%) organised (0%) patient (20%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (0%) reflective (0%) relaxed (0%) religious (0%) responsive (0%) searching (0%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (0%) sensible (40%) sentimental (0%) shy (20%) silly (0%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (20%) tense (0%) trustworthy (60%) warm (40%) wise (0%) witty (0%)

Created by the Interactive Johari Window on 14.2.2006, using data from 5 respondents.
You can make your own Johari Window, or view thehipster01's full data.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I'm hooked

I promise, I haven't disappeared I've become addicted to Ricochet: Lost Worlds. I'm not kidding here. I have been playing it on online for free and when I tried the free download I got hooked. I didn't want to spend $20 on the online download so I started hunting for it locally. After a day and a half of looking around town, and then trolling online, I found it at a local store for 9.99. I was so happy I was doing a happy dance around the house. My husband thought I was nuts, but now he is hooked on it too. For anyone who doubted he and I have anything in common here's your proof that we do. ;) Must go play, must go play, must go play.....

Sunday, February 05, 2006

inner child

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.
Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.
You cherish all of the details in life.
Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.
I stole this from my friend Lola. I like the results though.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

UGH!!! My glasses broke

Well I think my glasses don't like me. Ever since I got them in October they have needed constant adjusting. I take them off at night and the next morning when I put them on they are crooked. It drives me nuts. Tonight got me by surprise when they came apart and one of my lenses fell one floor down from the balcony I was standing on. At the time, I was taking pictures from the balcony in a high school gym. I wound up shooting the rest of the shots blind as a bat. The only good thing is some of the men standing next to me saw where the lens landed so I was able to go find it before someone stepped on it.

It is kind of funny because the sports writer was worried my pics wouldn't come out. Here is proof that I can still take pictures when everything is a fuzzy blur.

Weekend surprise trip

We went to the Tennessee Aquarium this weekend. My husband decided to surprise us with a family trip. He called me Friday to make sure we had nothing planned for Saturday and then wouldn't tell me anything else. On Saturday morning we got up and headed North. It took me all of about two minutes to figure out where we were headed. We didn't tell the kids though until we got there. They had a blast. The aquarium has added a second building with Ocean exhibits too. The original building houses animals found in the Southeastern waters only.

We then went and walked around the floating docks and up to an under the bridge amphitheater. I don't think that was the safest place to be. Then we walked over to the Hunter Home Museum. They had some interesting pieces on display. The kids weren't sure about it though. The funny thing was in one of the back display rooms there was a woman sitting at a table. She looked like she was watching everybody. My three year old daughter walked over to look at a sculpture and I had to remind to look only and to keep her hands to herself then I looked at the woman and smiled. I swear she looked like she was looking straight at my daughter. A moment later my husband said "look at this!" I realized he was standing in front of the woman and she wasn't real. For a moment he thought she was real too. People must like to touch this exhibit because it has an alarm on it that goes off if you step too close. My husband got
to close and the darn thing went off. After that we walked back to the Children's Museum but it was closed. We'll have to visit it next time.

The tile in the kitchen is still not done. He called to complain about the money we were spending on eating dinner out and I pointed out he was supposed to be done by now. He came home and worked on it last night but not much.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Siren's questions

1. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?


2. What do you consider to be "comfort food" and why?

Cheesecake: It's soft and melts in my mouth. Goes great with beer. ;)

3.How do you think people saw you in high school?

The good girl who occasionally did something strange.

4. How do you think people see you now?

the same. How little they know.

5. Why did it change/not change?

I yam who I yam.

6.At what age did you realize that you in fact did know what you were doing sexually and weren't just fumbling around down there? (Much more interesting than when you lost your virginity, in my opinion.)

When I was 19.

7. Briefly decribe your most memorable sexual encounter. (No need for Letters to Penthouse, just tell me what's so memorable about it.)

The night of my husband's birthday four years ago. I took him out for a romantic dinner and we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

8. Did you plan to have all your children or were there any "accidents"? If you don't have kids, why not?

Both planned though the oldest was conceived a few monthes earlier than planned. The second was planned see #7.

9. Hypothetically at least, could you ever adopt a child?

yes, probably a toddler.

10. Do you read strangers' blogs? If so, why?

Sometimes, just to see what other people write about.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sleep test tonight$%!####

I have a sleep test tonight. Yuck. I was absolutely miserable during the last one. When you walk into the room it looks like a hotel room. Don't be fooled because the bed and pillows are hard as rocks. Then they hook you up to fifty wires and you're supposed to sleep. Heehehehehe. I slept three hours last time and it took an hour to fall asleep. That pillow gave me the worst headache too. I have already decided that I will take my own pillow tonight. I'm also taking a book and if I wake up at 3 a.m. and can't go back to sleep I'm reading for a while. Last time I laid there for three hours and was about ready to rip off the wires and run out of there.

The reason I have to go through this again is because I keep waking up at night. I have started going back to sleep but they think my sleep apnea may not be completely gone. If I still have it I'm having the soft palate removed I am NOT using that CPAP again. The mask for it makes me claustrophobic. I never really knew I had that until I tried wearing the darn thing. I tense up just thinking about it.

Monday, January 16, 2006

redoing the kitchen

Well, we started the tiling (sp?) work in our kitchen Sunday. I mopped that darn floor three times. We had trouble getting the linoleum to come up so we are going to have to tile over it. Not to happy about that. When we bought this house they had just put new flooring and carpet in it. Whoever put that linoleum in wanted to make sure that it wouldn't come loose, ever.

We have moved the table and fridge to the living room so we can use them but it is so tight I'm hoping that will keep my hubby from stopping to do something else for a while. I also have a supply of paper plates, cups and stuff to use. He just keeps looking at me like I'm crazy. I am not washing dishes in the bathroom sink, Thank you. It took four monthes to get the hall bathroom usable again. He still isn't done with it either. I'm going to do everything I can to encourage him to finish it this week. I should point out he won't let me help with the actual tiling work he wants to do it alone. I will however be handling the painting of the walls so I guess I'll be doing my share anyway.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

finding peace

I feel like writing about what's in my head today. I am fortunate to have grown up in a family that loved me beyond measure. My sister and I get along great and even though my parents have been through tough times in their marriage they shielded me from it until I was old enough to get it. They have been married for 45 years and I celebrate with them because I know what a true miracle it is they stayed together to find the happiness they have now.

When I look at my husband I see a man that I occasionally just want to scream at and call names, but the truth is he is my best friend in the whole world. We've been married 15 years and anybody who can put up with me and my temper is truely special.

I have two of the most beautiful kids and yes they can be a handful (especially my son) they bring out the best in me. For awhile the worst was coming out and that's when I realized I had to see the Dr. Some people would think that putting myself and my son in ADHD meds is a horrible thing, but it isn't. Ever since I began the treatment which includes a stimulant and a anti-depressant I have found some peace. In the past I never could have sat and played games with my kids without loosing my patience and now I can. The thing I love the best is that when my kids cuddle up with me on the sofa I can wrap my arms around them and hug them feel the deep love and peace of being their Mother that I was too busy to allow myself before.

Some would say that we only find peace by turning to God and that meds won't help you with that. Guess what meds can help you if you need them. I kept asking for help in my prayers and found myself feeling strong thoughts that meds would help me. I believe that God helps those that help themselves. We have a brain and he expects us to use it.

You are never too busy to love yourself and those around you.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The giant playhut

I have found that buying large objects and sitting them in the middle or your livingroom can really tick off your spouse. Mine came home the other day and was so angry he walked into the other room and didn't say a word. Later he left and went back to work again without saying anything. Later I explained to him that is would collapse down flat when not in use and it would be okay.

He started calming down about it after I started cleaning out our room and throwing stuff out hand over fist. I should point out we are pack rats and tend not to throw anything out. This playhut is huge. My great room is quite large and it fits in it pretty well. I have alot more cleaning to do though. Wish me luck.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Okay I took another quiz. I don't know if I agree with assesment but I'll take it.

Blanche Devereaux

You are sexy, charming and full of life.You always have a date on Saturday night. Most women glare at you but that's justbecause they're all jealous!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Cleaning house

I'm awake and feeling better. Okay, I'm still wishing I were in bed, but hey when the kids get up so do I. I have to clean up from Christmas. My kids new toys are spread out all over the place. I actually gave away two garbage bags full and we still runneth over. I guess it's time to do some more donating.

My husband and I spent Saturday taking our bedroom apart and giving it a thorough cleaning. We hadn't cleaned under the bed in eight years so it was really dusty. It was so bad that the dust bunnies were chasing us out of the room. They did not want to be evicted. However, one escaped and my husband saw it slowly crawling across the floor yesterday hoping no one would notice.

We still have lots to do though. My dresser looks like a mountain. It has reached the point where I might as well not have a mirror. Everytime I find something that belongs to me somewhere else in the house I add it to the pile. Not the best idea. I fully expect to walk in my room one day and find the whole thing has crashed to the floor and the dresser breathing a sigh of relief from the lost weight. When it's done I'll share some pics. Time to go clean.