Wednesday, August 20, 2008

my sweet family

When I arrived home my family was waiting for me with flowers. Noodle told her Daddy that they should get Mommy flowers so they went to the store and got me roses. She also wore a flowered dress (that actually matches the flowers). She called it her welcome home dress. She told me that she should wear it everytime that we welcome someone home. She is so sweet.


Siren said...

Awwww... That is so adorable! And you totally deserve roses when you come home to them.

And I think part of me just fell a little bit for Steve that he would do that for you. :-)

Biscuit said...

That IS sweet! I got welcomed home a the airport with a big sign.

"Welcome Home Mommy" just doesn't have quite the same ring to it as "Pussycat Dungeon."

thehipster said...

siren: Thank you. I reminded me how wonderful he is.

Biscuit: The sign is so sweet. Pussycan Dungeon is fun but Mommy is better.

Samantha Alice said...

What Siren said! Good for Steve and the kiddoes. You totally deserve all of them.

So, she's already into theme costumes, eh? She IS a Goddess in Training...

KellyKline said...

Awwwwwwwwww how sweet!