Friday, September 30, 2005

I thought I didn't have much to say today.

I don't have much to say today, but I thought I'd wing it. The weather has reached that point where you want to actually be outside. Not to hot and not to cold. Unfortunately, I've had to much to do today to get out and enjoy it. It's supposed to be nice tomorrow and we will be out all day so I'm not to concerned. Tomorrow we start the day with a soccer game then we move onto a karate demo that my son is in. I was thinking it is the first time for him to be on stage, but I just realized that isn't true. When he was in preschool they did shows regularly and in kindergarten they did an end of the year graduation show. It will be his first time with only three other kids though. In the past he could blend in with the crowd. I haven't said anything because I don't want him to freak out, and realize he's in front of this audience who will be watching him. He's like me though and he loves to show off what he can do so I think he will shine up there. The kid has stage presence.

Did I just say I didn' t have much to say. Oh well, just get me started and I don't know when to shut up.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Irritating stuff that just gets on your NERVES

Okay, maybe its not that bad, but still. Today has been one of those days where things are just screwy. This morning I went to get my son a Halloween costume. The one we had decided on is on sale for $9.99 which is great. I get there and they don't have his size (they had the other two sizes). The guy was great he hunted around the back room and even called the other store (no luck) he also checked the computer and said they were scheduled to get some in, but for some reason they had not arrived. They go up in price next week, but will still be on sale. What you want to bet they show up Monday. This is typical retail tactics they must have some product there but they only ship enough to barely cover requests for their loss leader.

Later I went to pick up my daughter at school and was told to pull all the way up to wait for her. So I did. When I did this several cars pulled out and then someone stopped so I could walk past and go get her. Well the person who stopped promptly pulls her car forward and blocks me in. She wasn't supposed to pull up that far. I have no idea what she was thinking.

I also purchased a digital keychain camera. Well I'm having trouble installing the software so I'm going to have to hit up the hubby. I have no idea when I'll be able to use it and I know he's not going to be happy about having to install more software on his computer. Oh well. Believe it or not only the lady with the car really irritated me.

Monday, September 26, 2005


The remanents for Rits passed through last night spawning more tornadoes for us. It certainly made the afternoon interesting. I was watching something that I had recorded on the DVR when I heard the sirens go off. As soon as I turned the TV to a local channel to hear what was going on Stephen (my son) went into "must have Mommy's attention mode." How do kids do that? Sometimes I swear that my kids are psychic. If I'm doing something that requires Mom's attention they will insist on bouncing around in front of me wanting to tell me something. I know this is normal, but it drives me crazy.

Though speaking of psychic children, one time when Stephen was two he did something that freaked out his day care teacher. I'll start from the beginning here. I was at work and quickly approaching 40 hours and needed to leave early so I wouldn't go into overtime so I was discussing with my boss that I should leave about 2 p.m. Around this same time Stephen was napping at school. When he awoke from his nap he started telling his teacher that I was coming to pick him up, and she was assuring him that at 5 we would be there.

Five minutes later I walked through the door to get him. She jumped in surprise to see me. Then she asked if had told Stephen I was picking him up early. When I told her no her eyes got really wide and she told me about his insisting I was coming right then to pick him up. I had always felt some sort of connection to my kids, but that was one of those weird moments.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

WE survived!

Well yesterday was interesting. My poor baby boy (he's six) woke up with a stomach bug. He was sick all morning, but by afternoon he was feeling better. Unfortunately, with the bridal shower planned my husband had to take him across town to my parents house to rest. Both the kids slept over there so I think he got off easy.

Lisa and I survived the shower without having to muzzle anyone though it came close once. It was also "enjoyable" to listen to Anna's mother, more than once say how she was dreading the shower but she surprisingly enjoyed herself. Then she told us that when we give Anna her baby shower she would make herself unavailable. That's okay with me.

Friday, September 23, 2005

It's Friday, I'm going insane.

It's the day before my friends bridal shower (it's at my house) and I'm running around trying to make sure the house is clean. We southern girls believe in spit shining the place so we're not talking the normal clean here. I pressure washed the front porch and walkway I usually wait until Halloween to do this, but since I have people I don't know coming to my house I thought I would do it now.

This morning I took the kitchen garbage can outside and cleaned it. My daughter came outside and helped me she had a blast playing in the hose. She wasn't too thrilled when I turned the water off. Well it's off to clean more. If you hear a loud thump later it's just me collapsing on the floor and taking a nap.

BTW I know I didn't participate in HNT, but I am keeping my eye out for a cheap digital so I can in the future.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Must grow grass in the yard

My husband has this obssession with growing grass in our yard. You see we have lots of trees so our yard has a good bit of shade. Last fall we had 12 pine trees cut down, but it didn't make a dent. He has also resorted to tilling up the entire back yard and treating the soil. It works, but he uses so much water trying to make it work one time the water department called and asked us to check our house for leaks.

Right now he is concentrating his efforts on our front yard so everytime I walk outside I have to dodge the sprinkler. Last night when I got home with the kids I had to call him on my cell phone to come outside and turn off the water because we would have gotten soaked trying to get into the house. I have no idea of the exact total he has spent on this, but I bet I could have gotten that fence I want long ago.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Some people?!#&

I had to write about this. Yesterday I went to the mall to kill some time while I waited on my pictures to be developed and when I got there I spotted two decent parking spaces open they were side by side. I was on the aisle one over so it took me a moment to get there. This wasn't a big deal since there were two spaces and the place wasn't busy. I wasn't concerned that I wouldn't be able to park in AT LEAST one of them.

A woman driving a very old lincoln parked in the first space just as I got there "no big deal I thought I'll park next to her." I waited when it looked like her passenger started to open the door (I consider it rude to pull in on someone trying to get out a car) and then she stopped and shut the door. So I started to pull and then she opened the door again and DIDN'T get out. She sat there with the door open. When she realized I was trying to park she held it open with her foot. If I had parked I might have hit the door. Then she just sat there chatting with her friend. I wound up backing up and parking farther down the aisle. She waited until I was pulling into my new spot to get out of the car and walked away just looking at me like I was some terrible person. It made me wish I had pulled in and parked right in front of the door so she couldn't close it back, but since I had my daughter with me and I prefer to set a good example for my kids I just glared back at her. The thing is I couldn't figure out what she gained by this except being "difficult."

Monday, September 19, 2005

cleaning house

Okay, I've fixed the comments section. This is what happens when you play witht the settings. I messed up the comments section. Sorry.

Today I begin getting my house ready for my friends bridal shower this weekend. I shall be spit shining the place. Did I mention I hate housework, but the shower is a great reason to get it done. I borrowed my parents pressure washer so I can clean off our front porch and side walk. My husband thought I was expecting him to do it. I had to reassure him I planned to do the work. Something about shooting strong streams of water around that I find enjoyable. Just stay out of my way or you might get wet.

The best part about giving the house a good cleaning is that I can now put back the pictures on my mantle that I took down last Christmas to make room for decorations. That's right I took them down in Dec. and I'm just now getting around to putting them back. The decorations came down in Jan. but then the mantle became a pile zone that I need to clear. Well they'll be back up for all of three monthes I guess. Time to get to work.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

my fingers are going numb

Here I sit waiting for clothes to dry. Normally this would be for our regular laundry, but not today. Today I am trying to get stuff ready to sell in a local consignment sale. My goal is to sell enough stuff to break even. I try not to buy more clothes for my kids than what I can make selling their old stuff. My husband does not understand this he thinks I should make a profit every time, and asks me why I buy stuff at the sale. So twice a year I find myself explaining that the kids must have clothes to wear and this allows me to buy stuff on the cheap. Why is this so difficult to understand. Anyway, by the end of the day I will poked my fingers with so many safety pins they will be numb. There are times when I wonder if it's worth it. I've decided this time I'm going to stop when I run out of hangers and rest of the clothes are going to the local thrift store.

OOOHhh! the clothes are dry time to go poke my fingers some more.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Okay I've decided I should actually post something. I thought I would tell you about where I got the name for this blog. I have two children and three cats who enjoying walking slowly right in front of me whenever I'm trying to get somewhere to do something for them. My children aren't so bad, but my cats have made it an artform.

Whenever I walk to their bowls they walk right where I'm about to step for some reason they don't understand that this is counterproductive. I almost always step on one of them. Their other favorite thing to do is run out of my way when I'm walking past them. The only problem with this is they always choose to run right under my feet. Again sometimes they get runover because I don't realize they are doing this until it's too late. Fortunately, for them I've started anticipating this and can dodge them, most of the time. So that is where this blog gets its name not fancy, but certainly accurate.