Thursday, August 09, 2007

broken windows

In my previous post I mentioned other things going on so I thought I'd share that too.

On Tuesday morning a little before 6am I was about to eat breakfast when my doorbell rang followed by very loud banging on my door. I about jumped through the roof. I went to the door to discover a police officer standing on my front porch. When I opened it he asked if my car window was supposed to be broken. Of course, I said no. I went out to look at it and learned that several cars had been broken into in my neighborhood the weird part was that they didn't steal anything. From looking at the car the officers think they were looking for wallets and such.

I think they may have gotten scared off in front of my house because they never opened the doors (they were stilled locked) and the other cars all had their doors open and had been searched.

The local Toyota dealer ordered a new window for my car and today my husband took it in to be repaired only to be called and told that they ordered the wrong window and the right one will be in Monday. Apparently, my car was made in Japan and they ordered the window for the version made in America. Go figure.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Okay, I'm pissed off

EDIT: I got my package last night. I called the company who after talking to them didn't strike as if they would look at all. However, I emailed both UPS and Kohl's who apparently got right on the issue Tuesday morning. UPS contacted the company too with no luck because the package was sealed up in an industrial wrap for shipment and they hadn't opened it yet and didn't volunteer to look in it for the driver either. The UPS rep called me back and I could tell she was ready to go a few rounds with these people.

About and hour later the receiving company called and said they had found my package and, oops, they had accidently opened it. I was welcome to come pick it up. Because of some other things that were going on I didn't have anyone to send over to get it and I couldn't leave work either. Guess what I called UPS and they went and got and delivered it to my house. Yeah, all finished with this one. I'm going to contact UPS and tell them that even this was caused by them I appreciate that their employees went above and beyond to fix the problem.

I placed an order with Kohl's for some clothes for my upcoming trip with the Goddesses and even had it shipped express air since I wanted to make sure it got here before I leave. I never do this.

My package arrived in my hometown and was delivered at 10:26 am this morning, but not to my house. It was signed for at a business a couple of miles away from here. Who knows what will happen to my package now. If I'm lucky someone will figure out that I don't work there and give it back to UPS, but more likely I will call and get the run around trying to see if they have it still. I've also emailed UPS and asked them to retrieve it and, oh yeah, please refund my shipping fee since you royally screwed up. I guess I should notify Kohls that this happened too.