Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Strattera update

I have, in typical ADHD procrastination, forgotten to update my blog. Big surprise. I have been on Strattera for three weeks now and we upped the dose last week. I have really started to notice the difference. The big plus is that my hands don't shake on it. YES!!

I'm still zoning out, but I think that is more a side effect of lack of sleep and will only get better as my sleep apnea goes away, which I hope happens soon. I'm working on losing weight right now.

The strattera works around the clock which is nice because I don't have the ups and downs I had with a medication that wears off at the end of the day. Sometimes, though, I do miss how I feel off of it too. I have to make a choice and having my mind calm and focusing on stuff is preferable to the agitation I experience when I go into overload.

Now if it could force me to get up off my butt and do the boring housework that I hate to do that would be a plus. I guess I'll just have to keep making myself do that. sigh!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

copying biscuit with a widget

I stole this from biscuit because I think it is really cool. It certainly picked up on my traits which is a little scarey.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Changing ADHD medications

I haven't written about my ADHD in quite awhile mainly because I've been too busy to write anything at all. I've been off work for the last three days and it has been great. Unfortunately, I go back to work tomorrow. Crud.

Back to the subject, I quit taking my Ritalin for a while but discovered my symptoms came back with a vengence. I think I noticed them so strongly because I've had them under control for over a year now. I'm sure your wondering why I quit taking the Ritalin and it happens to be a reason no one would guess. I have familial essential tremors and the medicine makes them worse. What that means is my hands shake sometimes. Only when they are in use. This condition has NO connections to Parkinson's so nobody freak out. It runs in my family and several members of my immediate and extended family have them.

When I discovered the connection between my meds and the tremors I decided it was time to look for alternatives to my current medication. Tomorrow I will start taking Strattera. I'll let you know how it goes. Ritalin is the only ADHD medication that is believed to worsen tremors so that makes switching easier.