Saturday, March 29, 2008

Sping soccer has begun

The kids had their first soccer games for the spring season today. They were both scheduled at the same time at parks on each side of town. This sounds simple two parents and two kids: one parent and kid to each game, very simple. Guess what, not so simple. The games were at 8:30am and I had to be at work by 8:45am. Talk about begging Grandparents for help. They did. I took noodle to her game and left her with my parents. I haven't met her coach yet because he wasn't there by the time I left at 8:35. She had fun though.

My husband took my son to his game and then had to meet up with my parents to get our daughter. I still don't have my son's game schedule for the next few weeks so I can't beg off work for any conflicting days. I guess some people don't realize that there are some parents who could use this info. To my knowledge they haven't even finished the schedule yet.

My cherry trees are blooming like crazy. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. However, if you want to see an old pic just click on my photo blog (the link is over on the right). I tried to link it into the blog itself, but for some reason it wouldn't cooperate

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

There's nothing like a sick day.

Well, let's see I've been working alot, but today I'm home with the kids. My Daughter has a staff infection on her leg. I thought it was a spider bite, but the Dr thinks it's more likely that a blister type wart on her leg burst open and got infected. I had planned to take her to the Dr and then on to day care. Unfortunately, I got a call from the Day Care (its spring break normally he would be in school) telling me my son had thrown up. So much for going to work. I called my boss and let him know.

I wound up taking them both to the Dr. The son has a stomach bug. I already knew this, but since I was going anyway I figured he should see the Dr too. We went by the store on the way home to buy supplies for my son, and while checking out the clerk started asking questions. She got "unpleasant" with me so I educated her rather than ripping into her with what I was really thinking. Why do people think they can question me like that?

Yesterday I let one of our trainees stick me with a needle and she did a good job. However, for some reason, I wouldn't stop bleeding for over three hours. I tried everything to get it to stop. It was a bit embarrassing. I've never had trouble like that before. I guess my body wanted to give more than that.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow in the south

This weekend was a sleepy one for us, but we still had a good time. We woke up to snow. We never get snow these days. It wasn't enough to go out and play in so my husband scooped up some and brought it inside. He put it in the bathroom sink and the kids made snowballs and threatened to throw them at me. I had to remind them that Daddy was there target and not Mommy. I wouldn't do that would I.

We finally moved our broken TV out of its entertainment center and moved the furniture so we could put our new TV in the center of the wall. We actually bought the new TV several months ago and when my husband hooked it up for some reason we lost several channels we were receiving. Moving the TV brought them back. We have Noggin again. My daughter was thrilled and then she got mad when she realized we were only letting her watch one show last night. She missed her Noggin.

This morning we started carrying the old TV out for the trash, and it weighs a ton. We put it down every few feet. Man that thing is heavy. We grabbed the wheelbarrow out of the garage to help cart in down to the curb. You have no idea how glad I am we did that. My lungs were mad at me after all that in the cold air. I'm still getting over the bronchitis.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

The sounds of Silence

I wanted to attatch a really cool train photo but I couldn't find one. That really would have confused you wouldn't it. I mean silence and trains do not go together. Or do they?

I my case they do. You see we've lived next to a train for many years now and we are near a crossing so we listen to train horns coming and going on a very busy track. About three years ago one of my neighbors began the campaign to make our crossing silent. It has taken a lot of hard work and cracks from people who didn't think it would make a difference for it to happen, but as of YESTERDAY the horns went silent. There are alot of very happy people in my neighborhood.

The best thing is that I have slept through the past two nights and not been woken up by an overzealous train whistle. I swear that guy has something against us getting sleep.