Friday, July 25, 2008

Nothing new for now

I went for another follow-up today and was told they found my EKG. Apparently, they really did lose it and were trying to see if they should call me for a redo when it resurfaced. The good news I had a good EKG. In other words, I haven't had a heart attack. Unfortunately, we have no idea what is causing the problem of mitral regurge so I now need to see a Cardiologist. They don't see it as life threatening so I have to wait until I get back from GOG. My appt is the 19th.

I'm planning to see the same Dr. my Dad goes to. I figure with my Dad's health history it would be good for the same Dr. to see me. He is really good too. A side note, any Dr who is ready to take out another Dr for screwing up and almost killing his patient is somebody I want looking after me. Several years ago a gastrologist gave my dad some medicine that does not go with his heart condition and almost did him in. Dad said he thought his cardiologist was going to hit the guy. He was in hospital at the time so he got to witness the argument through an open doorway.

It occurred to me later that I should have asked if I have any restrictions I should follow. I guess things are good as long as I don't do anything stupid. Roller coasters are probably out, and siren knows how much that disappoints me. That's for real BTW. She and I have hit the parks a couple of times before and we had a blast on them. I was actually planning on dragging some goddesses out for my favorite passtime, but I guess not.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

update on heart

Well nothing has changed. My pulse is still up there, but there is a possible reason for it. The echocardiogram showed mild mitral regurgitation. I have a number of the symptoms related to this, but because it is mild they generally don't treat it. He sent me for an urgent CT scan yesterday to see if it would show anything and it was clear.

I have started another round of prednisone (joy) we'll see if it helps. Air quality is so poor right now they are advising people to stay inside. If this is also asthma that is not going to help.

I have another follow-up on Friday. I know my boss will be thrilled, but after leaving me with today, they owe me. Let's just say it was chaos at work today.

The CT scan was interesting. I've never had one done before so my hubby came along. I was very glad he was there. The guy who took me back was cute and very nice. He was funny (remember I'm a phlebotomist so I don't freak out about blood easily) when he stuck me to attatch the iodine injectioner. Apparently, my high blood flow shoved the needle back out and blood went everywhere. He had to reinsert it. He kept talking about my "strong veins" and how he doesn't usually see that. I didn't tell him I've never shot a needle back out before, but I guess there is a first time for everything. I didn't stop bleeding afterward either. Yep, right through the bandage. When I got back to work one of my co-workers pointed it out and redid by bandage.

The CT itself was different too. It was an open system so I didn't have to worry about my claustrophobic tendencies. It would have been hard to lay still and be thinking "get me out of here now." They injected iodine tracer into me so they could look at my circulatory system around the heart. He kept telling me it would make me feel like I was peeing, but I wouldn't be, so don't worry. The funny part is he warned me over the intercom system right before the sensation hit. I'm glad I was alone in the room, but when I got up to leave I see all these techs in the other room looking at screens and realized they probably heard that too. I hope they hear it so much they just ignore it these days. Oddly enough the sensation of iodine moving through your body is warm and it didn't bother me, some people probably don't react well.

One other fun thing about my iodine tracer it actually dropped my heart rate for a few hours. Who knew that hitting my heart with some iodine would do that. I'm back up now though.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I'm feeling cruddy

I haven't blogged lately because, well, I feel like crap. I have been sick for over three weeks and I just don't feel like doing anything.

I haven't been able to breathe well for a couple of weeks and I thought I had bronchitis, but when the meds didn't work I went to my pulmonologist yesterday they became worried about me. I barely made it through the day at work, but every one else was out so I couldn't leave. He did prescribe me a nebulizer, but I don't know how much that will help. I go for an echocardiogram on Tuesday. Plus I get to have blood work done. You know you look like crap when everyone you work with keeps checking on you to see if your making it.

I do have a clear chest xray, but my pulse was racing. Blood pressure was good too. Pressure in the chest area and shortness of breath. I about collapsed. I am so glad I'm off this weekend. If my techs call out I will not be happy. Well that's the overview. I'll update you when I know something.