Wednesday, May 24, 2006

busy, busy, busy

Well I haven't posted for a good reason. I HAVE A JOB! I haven't been home to post. I got the job I interviewed for and have been training this week. I won't be able to look online while I'm at work so I don't know how much I'll be around.

My kids started day care this week and we made the mistake of signing them up for somewhere that could take both of them. That was stupid because my initial instincts were screaming NO! to this place. I didn't see anything terrible I just knew. My husband went there in the middle of the day Mon. and Tues. and noticed the kids were outside all day. (my kids sunburn easily and the daycares are not allowed to apply sunscreen) They went in for short breaks, but that was it. On Tuesday when they put my daughter down for a nap she started crying so the teacher put her in the hall so she wouldn't wake the other children. (The teacher actually told me she did this) We asked my son about it and he told us he saw her sleeping in the hallway with no adults around. They are not going back.

This morning I got up and called the daycare I wanted her to go to and they took her right in. I walked in there and just knew it was the right place. She had a blast. They even put her hair in pigtails. When I came home I didn't recognize her. I actually looked at her and wondered who this little girl was who was in my house. Then I realized it was my noodle. It was funny.

My son spent the day with a friend who has agreed to watch him for the rest of the week. I have to hit up my parents for next week and then he will spend the summer at our school's summer program.

This has been a busy week to say the least.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's day

Well my Mother's day was a quiet one. The kids couldn't wait to give me my gifts. They were so cute. They were so excited they forgot the flowers. I had to remind my daughter to go get them. On Saturday night I said something to my husband about Mother's day and he stood there stunned. He had forgotten it was on Sunday. Nevermind the fact only a few days before I had to remind him to buy a card for his mother. Yes, he did mail it. So as soon as my son got out of his bath and dressed they took off for the store. I told him something small was fine. Nothing fancy. My son picked out a reece's cups big pack (they were gone by the end of the day) and a cute stuffed doggy toy. He also picked out a dozen roses. Then we went to dinner that night. We had Chinese at our favorite restaurant. I've never been wished Happy Mother's day so many times. Everyone who worked there kept saying it to me, and you could tell they meant it. Probably because at the time I was the only Mom in there with her kids. It was fun though.

BTW I went and filled out more paperwork for the job I'm trying to get and ordered my uniforms. As long as I pass my drug test with no problems I start soon. I'm on the hunt for daycare. That is not as easy as it seems. I need summer care for my son too.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Time to say something

I know I don't talk about politics on my blog, but today I am. I'm coming out. I am a member of They are working to save internet neutrality. Essentially we are trying to stop the government from allowing private companies too much control over the internet. Is some on these companies get their way when we begin looking for web sites we will only find the companies that have paid to be found. I don't like that one bit. I already pay to view the internet via my subscription I want what's on the other end to stay accessible to everyone.

I wanted to use the one the one that has this qoute: "The internet can't be free." AT&T CEO Ed Whitacre but it wouldn't show up. ATT is one of the main companies behind the push to take control of the internet. Google and other search engines are actively fighting to stop them.

Save the Internet: Click here

Here is a link to learn more.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

next step

Well I go back in for "phase 1" of the hiring process today. I have no idea what that means. The other day when I was interviewed she said I would be called back for a second interview if I passed the test they gave me. They want driving record info today so I guess they are going to make sure I can drive to destination's for work. I think it's time to find out how much this position pays, and if I should start looking for day care for my kids. That would be good to know. She did tell me they were going to hire more than they needed to fill the positions. That kind of thing always makes me nervous. However if I can get in there, and stay with it, I can get the training I need for a Lab job somewhere.

Monday, May 08, 2006

I'm going to hide now!

I have been sick the past two days and I can't believe I'm still awake, but I am. Tomorrow is my 39th birthday and I'm a little freaked out. Can you say AUuuuugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never reacted to a birthday before but this one is getting to me. It may have something to do with me having a job interview tomorrow. This is for a job unlike what I have done before, but I have a good feeling so cross your fingers for me. A prayer wouldn't hurt either. I'm going to have to go back to work full time if we have any hope of ever buying a bigger house. Lately, we've been pretty broke which is another good reason for it, but the biggest reason is that I've been going a bit stir crazy and I think going back to work would be good for me. Oh yeah, I'm getting thinner and I'm starting to really notice the difference my weightloss efforts are making. Building muscle doesn't hurt either.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

my life rated

This Is My Life, Rated
Life: 6
Mind: 4.6
Body: 5.7
Spirit: 5.6
Friends/Family: 5.8
Love: 9.1
Finance: 5.4
Take the Rate My Life Quiz
I stole this from biscuit. My life looks pretty average, but I have lots of love in it. Since I see that as the most important thing I like that alot.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Silent Saturday

We had a interesting weekend and mostly lots of fun. We started it with Silent Saturday at my son's soccer game. Silent Saturday is when parents and coaches are asked to not yell during the game. Some of the parents were not happy about this even though we were allowed to clap. One team made signs to hold up. The lady incharge apparently got a lot of nasty emails on the subject and even argued with a grandparent on the previous Saturday.

She's a tough one though she doesn't take anything from anybody. I was the only person I knew that didn't have a problem with it. I figured the point was to shut up the people who get really nasty and yell stuff at their kids. ( and yes that was reason) They did tell us that morning we could say "good job" and other encouragment though. I got a little peaved with our coach's wife because she didn't want to give it a chance and when we were all called together before the game so the soccer president could explain the day she refused to join us.

After the game we were walking by them on the way back to our car, and she asked her daughter if she liked playing better that day. She told her mother she did. That it was nice to play without being yelled at, and my son agreed it was easier not to hear all the yelling. The kids all played better and had more fun that day because we sideline people shut up. Surprise, surprise.

Later that day my son had a roller skating birthday party to attend and I had to take my three year old too. I was concerned because I didn't know what she would do there since she doesn't skate. I'm glad I took our toddler skates along because she put them on, and got out on the floor, and skated with the big kids. She had a blast. My son on the other hand stayed on the carpet, but he still had a great time.

That night we went out to eat and I ordered a steak (at a steak restaurant) and it came out with one side burned. I tasted it and noticed it didn't taste right but I attributed that to its being burned. Since it was so bad I sent it back. I don't normally do that because in my younger days I worked in a restaurant and I know that doesn't go over well. It took so long my husband shared his steak with me and I asked them to box the new one to go. They were very nice about and even gave me a baked potato to go with it. Unfortunately, that piece of meat is still in my fridge because later that night I got sick from food poisoning. I realized the steak tasting funny wasn't from it being burned. I'm glad I only took two bites.