Saturday, July 21, 2007

Kelly has given me an award

Kelly has awarded me a Rockin' girl blogger award. Thank you Kel.

Cheryl of Underfoot All The Time - Cheryl is another personal friend that I have known since my teenage years. She's the calm, cool, collected one of the bunch, usually snapping pictures of our incessant insanity. But you have to watch out for her, 'cuz every now and then she'll surprise you with somethin' that you would totally not expect from her!

They alway tell me they have to watch out for the quiet ones.

I would like to nominate someone for this award, but everyone I know has gotten this award. I guess I'll just sit here and enjoy this one. Especially since it's probably the only one I'll ever get. LOL.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Can you imagine waking up to this child jumping in your direction?

Some of you know that my A/C went out a few weeks ago and we thought we were about have to replace the whole thing with a new unit. Fortunately, they found a leak and were able to repair it. This just delays the need to replace the unit though. My husband is so afraid the whole thing will give out again he will only run it on about 80 degrees. I'm not thrilled with this.

He decided me and the kids should sleep in our room since it is the coolest in the house. So every night the kids trade out who sleeps in the middle (they're sweet because they both want to cuddle with Mommy) and cuddles up to me. I have to sleep on one side of the bed because I get up at night a lot. One night my son was sleeping in the middle with his sister on the other side. She was not thrilled about this. Apparently, in the middle of the night she decided that she wasn't going to sleep away from me. I woke up to see her leaping over her brother and caught her just in time to keep all 40 lbs of her from landing on me. She snuggled to me and went back to sleep. She is so cute.

Friday, July 06, 2007

two more

I should say I'm thrilled because I have lost two more pounds. I am thrilled, by the way. I'm officially down seven pounds now.

I've been having a harder time staying on my diet this week, but knowing that it would be a bad idea to cheat has kept me honest to my diet. Some experts out there think Alli is bad, and you should just diet and you would do great. This is true, except some of us need a little extra incentive to stay with it. Not all of us have the strength of will power to hang in there without help. I 'm one of those.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


What shall we use those for? We shall see. Maybe.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Fun weekend with the Godesses

Hmmmn! What's in the package?!

NO REALLY we were practicing yoga.