Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I love Christmas!

Xmas Stocking
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Sunday, December 03, 2006

tagged, you're it.

I have been tagged by siren. The rules say to post 6 weird things about myself and then tag 6 people at the end. I'm not going to tag anyone because everyone I know has already been tagged. However, if you read this post and haven't done it yet consider yourself tagged. Heheheh. Gotcha!

1. I will eat cheesecake while drinking beer. It's not as strange as it sounds. Try it.

2. I have a cell phone, but no one ever calls it so I'm always surprised when it does ring. My co-workers don't understand why it doesn't bother me to leave it at home or in my car. The only time anyone ever calls is when I do leave it.

3. I don't like large crowds.

4. I love Disney World. Crowds and all. (Think about it.)

5. I can't stand masks on my face.

6. I've only had one cavity in my life. I didn't get it until a couple of years ago. I'm also missing four teeth. I never had them in the first place. Guess why I wore braces in high school.

had to share-I stole it from Siren