Monday, January 05, 2009

I didn't mean to disappear that long

I hope everyone is doing well. I didn't realized I had waited so long between posts. I guess when you fall into a funk and don't care anymore, these things happen. Yes, I've been depressed. You know this is not how I intended to start out. Oh, well.

I've been through bookoodles of tests for the Dr's over the last few monthes and been given a couple of diagnoses the only one that I think is completely off is the hyperventilation syndrome. It's real, but the treatment didn't work on me, in fact, it made things worse. It's hard to explain to people sometimes that being sick makes you anxious and depressed not always the other way around. I'm taking anti-depressants these days. They have helped volumes.

I do have severe acid reflux with a hiatus hernia. If you had told me at the beginning I had this I would have laughed and blown you off. However, it has been confirmed with both a barium swallow and an endoscopy. I am beginning the journey of living with this stuff. No alcohol (at least not much) for me. Another toughie is not eating right before going to bed. I had no idea how tough that one would be until I discovered myself getting hungry every night. whimper. I'm taking prilosec and nexxium each once a day. Don't worry the GI specialist told me to. I also have mild gastritis. The nexxium should take care of it. At least I don't have any ulcers.

The hiatus hernia may be causing the chest pain and pressure. still not sure about the shortness of breath and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), but it's probably connected.

I saw the Endocrinolgist and had lots of blood work and lab tests done. My Endocrine system passed the tests. In other words, no thyroid problems or endocrine cancers. That was good news.

To other news, we had a wonderful Christmas here. Everyone had a good time. The kids got most of what they wanted, but I didn't get them a WII. I'm thinking about getting it mid-year when they may actually be on the shelves again. I got a BIG surprise from my husband. He got me a new digital SLR. Yippee!!! Now when my new lens and flash arrives (hopefully today) it should all work well. Apparently, my old lens was malfunctioning and won't work with the new body.

I also received a pressure washer. I can't wait to use it. Now your thinking "she's excited about pressure washing?" (scratching head). Yep, I always borrow my Dad's and wind up keeping it too long. Look out drive way here I come. Yeeha!


KellyKline said...

*I'd* be excited about a pressure washer!

Glad to hear you're finally diagnosed and can start the dealing/healing process.

Anonymous said...

Have you checked into those "special" attachments for the pressure washer? Glad you had a good Christmas and have a diagnosis. Happy New Year.

Siren said...

Glad you are back. Sorry you have had such a hard time lately. Glad that there is an answer. Sorry that it's not a more pleasant one. Glad you are doing OK, though. Sorry I haven't been there more. Sorry to end on a down note.

Um... Glad you got a pressure washer! :-D

thehipster said...

Kelly- I knew you would appreciate it.

Don- Those "special attachments" are little scarey.

Siren- The meds are helping, but They still aren't sure what's causing the tachycardia. No apologies necessary you're always there when I need you.

Samantha Alice said...

Pressure washers are awesome!

It's great to "hear" from you. I've missed you.