Monday, January 23, 2006

Siren's questions

1. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?


2. What do you consider to be "comfort food" and why?

Cheesecake: It's soft and melts in my mouth. Goes great with beer. ;)

3.How do you think people saw you in high school?

The good girl who occasionally did something strange.

4. How do you think people see you now?

the same. How little they know.

5. Why did it change/not change?

I yam who I yam.

6.At what age did you realize that you in fact did know what you were doing sexually and weren't just fumbling around down there? (Much more interesting than when you lost your virginity, in my opinion.)

When I was 19.

7. Briefly decribe your most memorable sexual encounter. (No need for Letters to Penthouse, just tell me what's so memorable about it.)

The night of my husband's birthday four years ago. I took him out for a romantic dinner and we couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

8. Did you plan to have all your children or were there any "accidents"? If you don't have kids, why not?

Both planned though the oldest was conceived a few monthes earlier than planned. The second was planned see #7.

9. Hypothetically at least, could you ever adopt a child?

yes, probably a toddler.

10. Do you read strangers' blogs? If so, why?

Sometimes, just to see what other people write about.


Samantha Alice said...

Beer with cheesecake? Yikes.

Siren said...

19, eh? Can't say that I'm surprised. I've been coming to you for bedroom advice for at least that long.

Sam, we've given her hell for the beer & cheesecake thing for years. Truth is i've only seen her eat that once.

thehipster said...

Twice. The first time at my bachelorette party, and the second time you ordered it for me on one of my birthdays.

Don't worry Sam I don't make a habit of it, and they go together better than you would think. Salt and sugar you know.

Suthnuh said...
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Suthnuh said...

Okay, reposting... Hipster, I think you and I had the same rep. I was the nice guy that occasionally did un-niceguy things and wondered how Sean could be that goofy 24x7.