Sunday, October 30, 2005

take a guess.

Okay, I'll give in on this one too. My friend Kelly suggested posting two truthes and a lie. guess which one it is.

1. I am a cat person.

2. I'm an organized person.

3. I got drunk the first time when I was 16.


Siren said...

Will you smack me if I guess #2 as the lie? Actually, you are pretty organized when you want to be. You're no neat freak, but I wouldn't say disorganized. So maybe it's #3. I dunno the very first time you got drunk, except that I wasn't with you.

KellyKline said...

Hmmm ... well ... I'd say that number 1 is the lie. Of course, that's just a guess since I've never been to your house and I have no idea whether or not you have a cat!

Biscuit said...

I'm going with #1. Oh wait, that was Kelly who didn't like cats! Damn, I dunno.

Pam said...

#3...I know she loves cats...she has 3 I think!!!

Samantha Alice said...

Since she has ADD, I think she'd believe #2 was true, whether it is or not...

Siren said...

Hmmm... She's not tellin'.

thehipster said...

Actually, I answered this yesterday and it said it posted. Very strange. I'll do it again.

1. True. I own three cats. They are the inspriration for the name of this blog.

2. Lie. Being ADHD I am completely unorganized.

3. True. I went to a party with a guy I used to date and got drunk. I just sat there staring off into space. Getting drunk just doesn't do much for me. That is why I rarely drink to much. You may have noticed on Fri. in St. Auggie I just sat there and listened. I had more than enough for me and I just kind of vegged.

Siren said...

You are not completely disorganized, luv. You just organize differently. You keep track of the various schedules you have to juggle, without that Palm Pilot I am permanently attached to. And your house, while cluttered, isn't total chaos either. Look around - I'll bet the kids toys, while piled, are centrally located where they play, your bills and papers you nee to do something with have their own pile on the counter, and you can lay hands on anything you need at any given time.

I've known this about you for years. There's order in your chaos!

Samantha Alice said...

I have pictures of you soooooo not vegging - you're clapping, and laughing, and egging us on.

And all without feet....