Saturday, October 01, 2005

Busy busy day.

Today has been a fun but tiring day. After a fun soccer game where my son found an ant to be far more interesting than the soccer ball headed straight for the goal (he was goalie at the time) we headed over to the Madison Street Festival for his karate demo. The demo went well and the kids had fun. We saw several people we know as we walked around. It really gives you a strong sense of your community. It came complete with the trains barrelling through the the middle of everything at top speed. We were inside one of the restaurants and the building shook harder than my house does when one goes by. Yes they really do set this thing up with the train track. Usually the trains don't run on Saturday, but they did today.

I also went and got a flu shot today. I was able to get one by the skin of my teeth. I got there late and realized I had to go the ATM to get some more money. It was down for "service." I wound up going back in the store and buying something so I could get cash back. When I finally got back in to the area where they were giving out the shots they were packing up because they were out. The lady taking the forms and money asked them to double check the vials. One of the nurses started looking through them and found enough left for two more shots. Whew. So I got my flu shot. I was so thankful because last year I didn't get it this early and wound up with a severe case of bronchitis all while I was at Disney World. BTW for anyone who wonders: yes, I have asthma and qualify to receive it now. They are supposed to be very strict about who they are giving them to right now. Well that's my Saturday so far. I plan to spend the rest of the evening vegging out. Maybe I'll watch Robots.


Siren said...

Glad you were able to get your fus shot, babe. You wree miserable for far too long last year.

Send me pics of Stephen's karate demo. Or of him looking at ants instead of tending goal. Or both. :-)

Siren said...

fus = flu. I really should run everything through a spell check!

thehipster said...

I took pics of the karate demo, but, unfortunately, none of the tending goal.

Don't worry about your spelling I knew what you meant.