Friday, July 25, 2008

Nothing new for now

I went for another follow-up today and was told they found my EKG. Apparently, they really did lose it and were trying to see if they should call me for a redo when it resurfaced. The good news I had a good EKG. In other words, I haven't had a heart attack. Unfortunately, we have no idea what is causing the problem of mitral regurge so I now need to see a Cardiologist. They don't see it as life threatening so I have to wait until I get back from GOG. My appt is the 19th.

I'm planning to see the same Dr. my Dad goes to. I figure with my Dad's health history it would be good for the same Dr. to see me. He is really good too. A side note, any Dr who is ready to take out another Dr for screwing up and almost killing his patient is somebody I want looking after me. Several years ago a gastrologist gave my dad some medicine that does not go with his heart condition and almost did him in. Dad said he thought his cardiologist was going to hit the guy. He was in hospital at the time so he got to witness the argument through an open doorway.

It occurred to me later that I should have asked if I have any restrictions I should follow. I guess things are good as long as I don't do anything stupid. Roller coasters are probably out, and siren knows how much that disappoints me. That's for real BTW. She and I have hit the parks a couple of times before and we had a blast on them. I was actually planning on dragging some goddesses out for my favorite passtime, but I guess not.


Siren said...

I guess this would be a bad time to mention that the MGM Rock'N'Rollercaster is a blast...

Why doncha call your new cardiologist and ask him about restrictions? He'll give you a conservative answer. I'm not lloking for permission for you to go ride roller coasters (not that I would mind), but I want to know if there are other things you shouldn't do. Like, share a room with Pam.

Samantha Alice said...

It's probably shitty of me to mention that I won't mind a roller-coaster restriction at all... adrenaline is not my friend.

I'm glad that it's not an urgent enough problem that they have to rush you in - I was irritated that it took a month to get my LEEP done, but relieved that they didn't say, "hey, we need to go get this stuff out RIGHT NOW."

When you call the doc back, ask if what Kel said was true, is your heart simply throwing up, 'cause maybe some Pepto would help...?

thehipster said...

Siren: I actually had the oppurtunity to ride the RockNRoller coaster in Oct and it was a blast. I'm glad I got to do that before I found out about this stuff. I missed out on the Tower of terror though.

Sam: I figured most of the goddesses would prefer not to ride, but I'm an adrenaline junkie sometimes. Here is an Ivillage video link just scroll down to valvular regurgitation video and it will show you what happens. It's kind of cool, except I don't have a prolapsing valve it just doesn't shut well.

Samantha Alice said...

Has the dr mentioned avoiding or pre-medicating before any dental treatment while this is getting checked out? People w/Mitral Valve Prolapse (or joint replacements, or some other conditions) have to take antibiotics before any dental treatment, to protect their bodies from any bacteria released into the bloodstream.

thehipster said...

No but I'm not scheduled to go the dentist for a few months. I figured I'd ask about it when I see the cardiologist. My FIL had to use antibiotics for his dentist appts so I figure I'll need them too. My FIL had a damaged heart valve from rheumatic fever when he was a child.