Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Strattera update

I have, in typical ADHD procrastination, forgotten to update my blog. Big surprise. I have been on Strattera for three weeks now and we upped the dose last week. I have really started to notice the difference. The big plus is that my hands don't shake on it. YES!!

I'm still zoning out, but I think that is more a side effect of lack of sleep and will only get better as my sleep apnea goes away, which I hope happens soon. I'm working on losing weight right now.

The strattera works around the clock which is nice because I don't have the ups and downs I had with a medication that wears off at the end of the day. Sometimes, though, I do miss how I feel off of it too. I have to make a choice and having my mind calm and focusing on stuff is preferable to the agitation I experience when I go into overload.

Now if it could force me to get up off my butt and do the boring housework that I hate to do that would be a plus. I guess I'll just have to keep making myself do that. sigh!


Siren said...

Glad it's working for you. Pretty sure that phlebotomy and shaking hands aren't the best combination.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like having someone approach you with a needle shaking like they are recovering from a three day drunk. Hope the change continues to work.

thehipster said...

don't worry the shaking doesn't effect fast movement. when I stick there was no shaking just when I was doing iron checks filling cappilary tubes.

On the strattera my hands are "rock solid" as the Dr put it. No shaking at all.