Saturday, January 20, 2007

She did it again. Sort of.

Well noodle has been testing her teachers to no end this week. The other day they called me to tell me she had busted the lip of one of classmates. She hit him with part of a toy. I will say this is the same kid who constantly pushes her and I'm not surprised she did it. However, I feel like they are treating her like she is the sole problem. I mentioned to the director that the other child antognizes her and she said that noodle seems to be learning from him. I was thinking to myself "NO, she's pissed off and getting him back." They are getting ready to move her up to the next class and he won't be in it so I think things are going to improve soon. I hope anyway.

Mom shall relax now and try not to scream. Heehee. When they called me at work to tell me about it I got off the phone and told my co-worker what happened. Everyone in the room wanted to know who made her mad. Two of them were people I don't know so I guess they looked at me and figured my kids were the type who had to be pushed into behaving like that. They would be right. The kid she hit tried to choke her about a month ago. He also picks on her regularly. I told her to play with some of the others, but for some reason she likes this kid. I hope this is not a pattern that she sticks with or I may never let her date.


Biscuit said...

Poor baby! At least she's not taking it and doing nothing. Makes you wonder where HE learned that.

Siren said...

Go Noodle! At least she stood up for herself. I agree, though - if she insists on hanging out with kids who treat her badly, she really shouldn't be allowed to date! Of course, I have a really cute nephew I'll hook her up with when they're in theire, oh, let's say early 30's.

thehipster said...

biscuit: He has been a handful since he arrived. The first time I saw him I knew he was a challenge to his parents.

Siren: I'm hoping this passes quickly.

Anonymous said...

Isaac got a "sad face" the other day because he burped in the lunch line. WTF. I have had so many times that I have had to quelch the desire to say "Yeah!" and be be parent. I have also definitely learned to let the teachers know there is more to the story.