Wednesday, February 22, 2006

At home with a "sick" child

Okay, it's time to actually write something instead of posting quizzes. I was supposed to go talk to my son's class today about photography, but I had to postpone it because he got sick at school yesterday and can't go back until tomorrow. He feel's fine today though. Go figure. I needed to go to Walmart today so I took him with me; instead of buying him a hotwheel I told him if he wanted something I would get him a book. This seemed like a good idea at the time. He loves to read.

When we got to the books I found a cheap copy of the Chronicles of Narnia and got it for him then he was supposed to pick out something else. He wanted a coloring book, but he never colors so I told him to pick out a regular book. This turned into a battle of wills finally I told him that he had to pick something because I was leaving and started walking away. He grabbed a book but wasn't happy about it. After we got to the checkout line I saw a Disney Adventure magazine. I gave him a choice between that and the book he grabbed since he said he didn't want it. Instead of making him happy it only made things worse he threw a fit. We finally checked out, and he calmed down, then he got upset again when I asked him to help load the car. When we got home he did help unload and calmly went to his room. He also took the book and is in there happily reading it. Can you say Mom is ready to scream. I had hoped we would have some fun together today we'll see.


Zebraman said...

Wow - you've got the patience of Job. Good job keeping your cool.

I'm in Spain right now and I've found that sangria is a huge help in making the day bearable. :^)


thehipster said...

I love Sangria, but currently I don't have any. ;)

I'm not sure I have that much patience but since I was only dealing with him, it was easier. His little sister likes to capitalize on her brother's behaviour and do something she's not supposed to.